Ok first and foremost, i
'am a white guy.....(well
Italian and
Indian, but i look pretty white,
mmm that's to be discussed later, never got turned down for a loan or got my ass kicked by the police so yea i guess
i'am white,
i'll play the card)
I have been hearing my to do do about gentrification, and for some reason i just don't understand why its a bad thing.
I mean you got a shitty neighborhood with gangs, fucked up roads, graffiti and a run down set of shops, why not refresh that shit.
Los Angeles in general is a wash of beige and grey with a lot of repetition, mexican restaurant mexican restaurant, gun store, church, liquor store, strip mall, etc, or Starbucks, whole foods, jamba juice, etc. Run down house with rusty chain link or new condos with bamboo in the front yard.
So which do you prefer, i mean if you had the money which would you prefer. I went to whole foods yesterday in Venice and i gotta say it was nicer than the big lots that was there.
The bums that used to hang around the big lots for the most part are gone, the area is starting to clean up, people are walking there dogs again, and for the most part its safer than it was in the days of the oak wood crips and dope slanging and gang violence of the late 80s early 90's.
I cant see how this is a bad thing, the Mexican people that live in the neighborhood ain't gangsters, they fucking working class people who like walking they dogs to. Don't like bullshit in they hood where their kids are growing up.
The Venice area is one example, Silver lake, Eagle rock, Highland park are all going thru a change, a flux, a renewal. Hipsters, Artist, and Bohemians are always the first wave, and generally integrate into the neighborhood fairly well. Everyone starts doing home improvement, people start keeping up their lawns, and the neighborhood get a art gallery and few coffee shops. Why is this a problem i don't get it.
One thing i have noticed that i cant explain is that it only seems to be in the Spanish (mexican)areas of Los Angeles, this could possibly be to white and black peoples self imposed segregation i'am not shure, but it does seem to the norm.
Los Angeles is such a weird fucking place sometimes, we are the most culturally diverse yet the most segregated at the same time.
Well that's my anthropology rant for now, leave a comment if you agree disagree, its an open topic with me, i'am interested to hear other views.