Monday, September 29, 2008

palin is dip shit

ok, god is one thing i dont believe in btw.......

but i found this one the interweb........this is most incredible.........iam having a hard time understanding why they picked her, the geological record and carbon dating kinda have proved the following statement "extremely ignorant" for someone who may be running my country very shortly.....

Palin: Man and Dinosaur Existed at Same Time


When asked about her religious beliefs, Governor Palin of Alaska/Running Republican Party Vice-President, publicly stated that man and dinosaur co-existed on the planet 6,000 years ago. She made the comment during her reign as a small town mayor.

As critics are starting to pick apart Palin's past, questioning her political agenda and religious background, a spokesman for the governor states that she has never made those remarks about dinosaurs and evolution in public.

Although scientists have proven dinosaurs went extinct some 65 million years ago, Palin did push for "intelligent design" to be taught along with evolution in Alaska schools but has yet to force it into the curriculum, say Alaskan educators.

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