Thursday, October 16, 2008

dash's view on gay marriage and prop 8


why the fuck is California even debating this..........dont we have enough problems, i.e budget, are we just tring to deflecting the issue. Gay people are going thru the same prejudice issues as black people in the 60's minus the water hoses and German Shepard's. leave these people the fuck is such a weird exercise as it is, why the fuck are we tring to mandate personal opinion into law................

personally, as a straight cat, i find gay man sex, totally repulsive, but what the fuck does my opinion have to do with peoples rights................nothing, thats what, i dont like sushi either, iam not tring to outlaw the shit.

gay people are people and have as many rights as everyone else, stop fucking with em............

the bible and Leviticus are complete bullshit, this is an outdated view and should not affect the happiness of people in 2008...........straight up...........

the gay people i know laugh this issue off, cause realistically they dont actually wanna get married, its more of lesbo / chick thing anyway........but that dont mean the right should be taken away by the christian coalition.


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